Lashawn Marston Interview

Lashawn Marston Interview

“Love Never Dies”

Season Three begins with one of the most amazing conversations we’ve had on the podcast, with Lashawn “Suga Ray” Marston. This young brother has experienced a lot in a brief four decades: death of loved ones in his youth, violence, anger, grief and even a brief stint behind bars for lashing out with gunshots — which caused him to look deeply within and reflect upon the source of his pain

He has taken that pain – enough to crush and destroy most of us – and not only looked inward, but turned his internal reflection outward. Now as a certified therapuetic art coach, grief counselor and activist, Suga Ray seeks to help and heal the world by working with men, women, children and families to help them identify the sources of their trauman and pain, and find release and relief through pictures, story, meditation and simpley “talking it out”.

You do not want to miss this episode — welcome to Season Three, and Twenty Twenty THRIVE!

Contact Lashawn “Suga Ray” Marston by email at
Visit his website at


Stan Morse Interview

Stan Morse Interview

“Risen from the Ashes”

Stan Morse has been many things in his life, so far – prodigy student, gifted basketball player with NBA potential, husband, father, successful real estate investor… and adulterer, target of federal investigations and crack addict for over a decade.

In many ways, Stan is the model guest of “The Failure Guy” podcast: from the soaring highs and crashing lows, he has risen like a phoenix from the flames of disaster to become a community leader, an advocate for under-served communities and a champion of the oppressed and exploited. Co-founder of 1NYCHA Advocates and a former candidate for Queens borough president, Stan is the author of the recently published book “God’s Grace: One Man’s Remarkable Path to Find His Purpose“.

Fasten your seatbelts and strap in for one of the most amazing journeys yet here on the podcast – you won’t want to miss a minute…

God’s Grace on
1NYCHA on Facebook:

Aidan Sowa Interview

Aidan Sowa Interview

“Fail Fast, Fail Forward”

At only 25, Aidan Sowa is the youngest guest so far on Season 2 of “The Failure Guy” podcast. Yet in this brief time, he has interned with the MIT Enterprise Forum Cambridge to launching a lead generation startup, and then pivoting during the COVID shutdown into a public relations firm that works to get his clients featured in publications and news outlets like Forbes, MSNBC, and Authority Magazine.

Aidan emphasizes the importance of having a strong online presence, including social media profiles and a professional website. He also notes how getting featured in reputable outlets can help boost your visibility online.  Most critically, he stresses the importance of building credibility as an entrepreneur or business owner and how third-party validation like getting featured in reputable media outlets can help establish trust with potential clients.

Don’t let his age fool you – Aidan has learned a lot in only a quarter century ’round the sun, and shares his experiences with self-doubt and how he overcame early negotiation failures and near bankruptcy to become a successful entrepreneur.  If you’re an entrepreneur or business owner, or just looking to establish credibility and get featured in reputable media outlets, this conversation is definitely worth listening to.

Aidan Sowa can be contacted at, or his website

Liz Dreyer Interview

Liz Dreyer Interview

“Being Unconsciously Competent”

This episode is a fascinating exploration of the intersection of creativity and social justice. Liz shares her insights and experience with adaptive leadership and systems thinking, as well as her artistic pursuits and how they relate to her work in DEI.

From her decades of experience, Liz shares how most DEI trainings tend to focus on shaming individuals rather than promoting genuine inclusivity. In our conversation she reveals how the combination of her experiences and expertise connect an artistic mindset, adaptive leadership training and systems thinking, helping to move beyond quotas and “window dressing” to create just organizations, which ultimately lead to a more just society.

It’s a heady ride, but one you’ll be glad to be part of. Get ready to challenge your own status quo, and be left viewing things in a brand new light…

Stephen Keegan Interview

Stephen Keegan Interview

“Teach Your Children Well”

Regular listeners know how much I value those in the teaching profession: they’re doing “God’s work”, IMHO. In this episode, I get to have an amazing conversation with Stephen Keegan, who has been a special-Ed teacher for over a decade and a half.

And this is a late-stage career for him. In this engaging episode, Stephen discusses the family influences and work experiences that inspired him to pursue this profession in general, and to serve the neuro-divergent population in particular. One of 12 siblings, a husband and father, Stephen is a fascinating guest and an amazing human being.

We discuss the importance and value of education to every community and culture, the importance of acknowledging failure as part of the process, and the rewards found in being of service in a way that will outlive you. Join us in this most insightful episode — you’ll definitely learn a thing or two.

Ivan Castro Interview

Ivan Castro Interview

“The Key to Self-Discovery”

Ivan Castro has faced many challenges in his life, many of them hidden and internal. Struggling in his early years with undiagnosed ADHD, like many he was considered substandard and incapable of learning “like the others”.

Emigrating to the United States, he encountered therapy and discovered that the issue was not that he couldn’t learn, but simply that he learned differently. This inspired him to delve deeper into himself and the way the mind works in general and, perhaps more importantly, gave him a deep compassion for the neurodivergent and differently abled among us who are not broken or infereior, but merely marginalized and misunderstood.

Now he is a deeply motivated paraprofessional, podcaster and community builder, with a focus on providing guidance and assistance to newly arrived immigrants from Spanish-speaking countries, and particularly devoted to bringing the message of transformation and self-acceptance to men seeking to move beyond the restrictive roles of outmoded toxic masculinity.

Join Ivan and I on a most powerfully enlightening conversation, and follow him on his podcast at

Joanna Tress Interview

Joanna Tress Interview

“Life/Work Harmony – Don’t Endure; ENJOY!”

Joanna Tress was almost my first Season TWO guest of “The Failure Guy” (not Season One, as I mistakenly say during the recording) but I failed to capture her audio. That turned out to be a fortunate mistake, since this conversation turned out to be richer and more insightful than the one we attempted almost four months ago.

Joanna is a singer, dancer, actor, creator and multi-talented artist in many disciplines. She is also combining her decade of experience in the field of employee retention with her unique approach to guiding and mentoring individuals in creative expression to develop a consultancy aimed at creating programs that not only create more relaxed, enjoyable work environments, but actually train employers to recognize and encourage the full spectrum of creative expression within their staff.

Everyone is a naturally born creator. Joanna believes that this innate capacity not only never truly goes away, but is essential for each of us to live happier, fuller lives, but for all of us to realize a world in which every aspect of our lives is not merely balanced, but integrated and harmonized into an experience where we can pursue a trade or profession in a way that leaves us enriched and fulfilled at the end of each day, instead of deflated and defeated.

If you think “do what you love” or “love what you do” are ideas completely at odds with “working for a living”, I believe you may change your mind after listening to this powerful conversation.

Kahshanna Evans Interview

Kahshanna Evans Interview

“A to Eff to B – From Wounds to Wisdom”

Kahshanna Evans is an athlete, a branding and marketing expert, a public relations consultant, and has a background in wellness, having just completed a year of working with an organization that focuses on trauma-informed awareness.

This last element is a recurring theme throughout our conversation: acknowledging trauma in its various forms, and managing the effects of trauma – and the failure to recognize it – in our personal and professional lives. Unique to our conversations on “The Failure Guy” podcast, she introduces the concept of “creating space” for ourselves, and having a “joy process” in all we do – especially in our professional activities.

Join us for a stimulating conversation in which we discuss everything from how athletic performance in our youth can affect our confidence and accomplishments to the biochemical impact of repressed stress due to our not confronting and processing failure. And in the midst of it all, she has such a great lightness of spirit and sense of humor, you’d think this was a comedy podcast.

Learn how to put trauma in its place, the importance of connecting our catchphrases with conscious processes and focusing not on the blows to our egos that failure delivers, but the benefits of the lessons learned on our journeys toward greater success.


The Acosta Institute:

Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson –

Joyfully Just: Black Wisdom and Buddhist Insights for Liberated Living –

Elruby Thomas Interview

Elruby Thomas Interview

“My Mistakes Made Me Money”

If most of us were scammed – not once, but twice – we would probably concede defeat and give up on whatever we were doing. But most of us are not Elruby Thomas.

Burned in an early-era Bitcoin scam, then again in a gold-saving endeavor, Elruby took these events as a teachable moment, pivoted from a private tech-support firm and created a network that teaches financial literacy, digital security, the fundamentals of blockchain, cryptocurrency and smart contracts, and empowers women to find the techno mage within themselves.

Always a community-builder, Elruby decided that the pitfalls she faced from lack of knowledge and mastery of fundamental principles were probably experienced by many others. Rather than be a silent victim, she chose to become a leader devoted to bringing knowledge and empowerment to all who will listen, learn and apply the knowledge gained to their real lives and their communities.

Join us for an amazing discussion on how major failures can be the catalyst to the most important lessons we can learn…

Scott McComas Interview

Scott McComas Interview

“There is No Failure; There’s Only Feedback” – BONUS: Lost episode from Season One!

What do professional training and development, comic book superheroes and ancient myths have in common? The story of the Hero’s Journey.

From Samson to Hercules, from Thor in Norse mythology to Thor the comic book character, we’re all on a Hero’s Journey. An integral part of all Hero’s Journeys is, surprisingly, FAILURE. As we will discover in this amazing conversation – the last interview I recorded before the pandemic shutdown – it’s also about the story we tell ourselves *about* ourselves.

No better way to tie the two seasons of the podcast together so far, this recording was thought lost, and the backup version was of poor audio quality on my part – but we’ve done our best to clear it up, and wouldn’t want to fail to share with you this amazing exploration of finding the superhero inside yourself…

Tim Gilliland Interview

Tim Gilliland Interview

“Do You See What I See?”

Tim Gilliland is a graphic designer, fine artist, content creator – and is dyslexic.

In this episode’s conversation, Tim shares the challenges of growing up in a generation before dyslexia was identified or understood, the journey of self-awareness to understand the distinction between his perception and his comprehension and, perhaps most importantly, the value of having a partner that challenges you to reach goals higher than you imagined yourself capable of achieving.

There is so much to Tim’s story that this extensive conversation is surely only the first of many – we will definitely invite him back to discuss more of his interesting and amazing adventures and experiences.

Dawn Meyer Interview

Dawn Meyer Interview

“Sometimes, it IS Rocket Science”

From NASA employee and member of the Space Shuttle launch team to Reiki master and energy healer, it may seem like Dawn Meyer’s life is a study in contrasts. Yet as you listen to our conversations, prepare to be intrigued and amazed at how her perspective on life merges the two distinct phases of her life as aspects of one continuous reality.

“Possibility Professional” is how Dawn describes herself. A visionary ray of sunshine and warmth is what we have to say about her. Join us for the most laughter-filled conversation of Season 2 so far… to infinity, and beyond…

Regina Rossi Interview

Regina Rossi Interview

“Harmonizing the Music of Our Spheres”

Regina is a wife, entrepreneur and, in her mid-50s, a mother. In her business she works with other “mompreneurs”, coaching them to free themselves of the “work/life balance” myth. She creates a new perspective for herself and her clients. A model of life where the many roles we are all called to play are not seen as “boxes” that we place ourselves in, but lines of music – melodies and solos – that we harmonize into the symphony of our identity and existence.

Having experienced full menopause in her 40s, she speaks quite candidly about how closely fertility and motherhood define “womanhood” in our society, how as an adopted child she had no connection with her biological history, marriage to a younger man who wasn’t attached to parenthood and how her mother’s deathbed request was transformed from an impossible dream to a journey full of heartbreak and denial and, finally, fulfillment and unimaginable joy.

This conversation is so deep, we may have to schedule a second conversation to explore some of the topics we barely skimmed the surface of…

Steff and Jeff Interview

Steff and Jeff Interview

“Growing Together – Filling the Empty Nest with Butterflies”

In this episode, Stephanie and Jeff Gaudette explore the challenges and joys of being a blended family, avoiding the perils of the empty nest leading to “grey divorce”. We discuss the effects of COVID on those who find themselves “stuck” at home, and how Steff found her once solitary domain invaded and the newly adopted quiet rhythms disturbed by a houseful of people bustling in isolation.

Learn how they intentionally kept the flame of their relationship fully lit and well-stoked, how insisting the family ate dinner together at least once a week blossomed into fun and exciting trivia/movie nights, and how the steps they took to avoid growing apart as the youngsters left the nest grew into a mission to enlightened other “empty nester” couples on how to keep their marriages alive and vital, and an ongoing effort to “Make Community Great Again”…

Valorie Hubbard Interview

Valorie Hubbard Interview

“Start with One Step”

Valorie Hubbard is a renowned character actress – if you’ve watched movies or TV in the past few decades, you HAVE seen her: on shows and in films as diverse as “ER”, “Desperate Housewives”, “How I Met Your Mother”, Marvel’s “Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D.”, “Castle”, “True Blood” and “Hannah Montana: The Movie”, among many, many others. She’s also an entrepreneur who has, as she puts it, created a seven-figure business working with “the poorest people in the world” – actors.

Valorie has also had her share of failures, with the pandemic shutdown and the recent SAG/AFTRA creating such a downturn that she has incurred massive “expensive debt” to cover costs and, heartbreakingly, had to downsize and let go of several beloved friends from her staff. But she is not one to hide from adversity – she faces it head-on and finds the lessons in life’s challenges.

With success, of course, comes failure, and Valorie shares with us quite candidly the downside as well as the upside of growing and managing a seven-figure business. Some of the hardest lessons learned from failure are also the most important ones – the insights gained can produce our greatest successes.

To climb the mountain, you’ve got to start at the base, and take it one step at a time. Join me and Valorie as we discuss her acting career, the joy and tears associated with running a business, and the many triumphs and pitfalls of being a rule breaker who bucks the trends and creates a new paradigm of dealing with – and within – the show biz industry.

Wolf Castillo Interview Part 2

Wolf Castillo Interview Part 2


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Keith Bardsley intervew

Keith Bardsley intervew

Keith Bardsley’s College Success Recommendations

Keith Bardsley is a “student advocate” – he puts a great deal of energy and effort into working with kids to make sure they have the best possible chance of succeeding in their college career, and beyond.

In other words, he sees to it that they “avoid failure“. During our interview Keith offered a number of excellent insights and suggestions to parents of college-age students, or the students themselves. As I promised during the interview, I’ve collected those recommendations in a PDF document that you can read online below, or download and read at your convenience.